The Saxon State Office for Environment, Agriculture and Geology is the Lead Partner of the INTERKLIM project. It faces the more and more complexe questions of agricultural and environmental policies, of enterprises and of society. The consequences of climate change, globalization and economic crisis raise the awareness that these current challenges can be only encountered with high expertise and strong interdisciplinary collaboration. The State Office is a subordinate agency of the Saxon State Ministry of the Environment and Agriculture. Its work is supported by a well-functioning partner network in the fields of economy, science, consulting and education as well as by engaged actors in the region and beyond.
All departments of the State Office work in line with a sustainable, environmentally responsible economic activities, which connect ecology and economy and preserve the natural diversity of flora and fauna. By means of diverse events, publications, regular information services and thematic online-portals the State Office permanently provides up-to-date information about agricultural and environmental issues for experts, students, consultants and for the interested public.
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